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  • Mitos Therapeutics, About


    Introduce Our Story


    Mitos.Therapeutics is a biotech company based in central South Korea.

    Based on our interest in the patient's health and in the patient's illness and suffering, we are developing new treatments.


    Our focus is to fine-tune our energy metabolism to restore aging health. Health can be regarded as the result of our bodies' successful adaptation to the environment, maintaining a homeostatic balance, and appropriately recognizing and responding to energy imbalance.


    Cellular energy metabolism plays an important role in health by controling enegy intake and energy consumption. Therefore, it has evolved to respond to the changes in the proper ways to support our health and well-being.


    However, our energy metabolism can sometimes react improperly, resulting to chronic or severe disease. Our goal is to find treatments that can control the energy balance to restore cell energy metabolism capabilities in a disease state.


    "Mitos" is a word for strings that are part of mitochondria, chosen because mitochondrial-based cell energy metabolism is our subject of study.

    Meet our team

    Jongsun Park

    CEO & CSO

    Jisoo Park


    Nam Sook Kang

    Drug Structure & Drug Modeling

    Chungnam Natl. Univ.

    Seon-Hwan Kim

    Clinical Adviser

    Chungnam Natl. Univ. Hospital

    Jae-Hun Shim

    Medicinal Chemistry

    Kyung Hee Univ.

    Young-Suk Cho

    Clinical Adviser

    Yonsei Univ. Hospital



    Jung Woo Chae

    Pharmacokinetic & Pharmacodynamics

    Chungnam Natl. Univ.

    Chan-Kyu Song


    Chul-Hyun Park

    Clinical Adviser


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